Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy of Seika Sangyo (Thailand) Co., Ltd.

Seika Sangyo (Thailand) Co., Ltd. (the “Company”) recognizes your privacy as the data subject, including customers, suppliers, contractual parties and their personnel, the Company’s job applicants, visitors of the Company’s website, and those in contact with the Company other than the Company’s personnel.  This Privacy Policy is thus prepared in compliance with the Personal Data Protection Act B.E. 2562 (2019), and applicable laws, rules and regulations.  This Privacy Policy will advise you how the Company collects, use or disclose your personal data, types of data and purpose of such arrangements, including details regarding the duration of data storage, disclosure of personal data to third parties, rights of the data subject, confidentiality and security of your personal data as well as contact channels with the Company, as per the following details.

Collection, Use and Disclosure of Personal Data

The Company focuses on the legitimacy in the collection, use and disclosure of your personal data, whereby the Company shall proceed with restrictions and only to the extent necessary for the Company’s purposes and subject to the provisions of law.  The personal data which the Company collects, uses or discloses may include:

  • Information on the data subject’s identity, such as, first and last names, identification number, passport number, gender, age, address, photo;
  • Contact information, such as, telephone number, e-mail, facsimile number, Line ID;
  • Information on work, such as, career, position, department, personal profile, employment records, workplace;
  • Other personal information, such as, marital status, family information, emergency contact, educational backgrounds, training or professional records, military service status;
  • Information on salary and benefits, such as, wages, salary, remuneration and benefits or other relevant welfare;
  • Account information and transactions, such as, details on payments for goods and services with the Company, credit cards and/or debit cards, bank accounts, as well as description of the Company’s goods purchased by the data subject from the Company, and bank account number;
  • Supporting information as evidence in execution of transactions, such as, personal data displayed on a copy of identification card, house registration card, invoices, receipts;
  • Information for access to any system or premises, such as, photos from CCTV;
  • Information relating to computer devices and software used by the data subject, such as, IP address number, browser, language, operating system, application and website history and cookies;
  • Information on interest in the Company’s products;
  • Information on comments or complaints regarding services, purchase of goods or communication with the Company.


The Company has no intention to collect any sensitive data under Section 26 of the Personal Data Protection Act B.E. 2562 (2019), e.g., information regarding health, religion, race, criminal records, biodata, political belief, sexual orientation, etc.  Therefore, should there be any such data in the documents delivered by you to the Company, e.g., a copy of identification card showing your religion and blood group, you are requested to conceal such data before delivery of the same.  However, should you have delivered any document showing such data to the Company, the Company will conceal or erase such data before further proceeding with other steps.  Should the Company need to use such sensitive data, the Company shall obtain your consent on a case-by-case basis

Procedures for the Company’s Collection and Receipt of Personal Data

1) Personal data may be directly received from the data subject through communication, coordination, job application and visit to the Company’s website;

2) Personal data may be received by the Company and an affiliated company, business partner and/or any other person with which the Company has a legal relationship, including recruitment agencies and other service providers.

3) Personal data may be received from any persons related to the data subject (e.g., family, friend, recommender, resident, lessee, etc.).

4) Personal data may be received from a customer, supplier or service provider which is a business organization in such capacity where the data subject is a director, shareholder, authorized representative, agent, authorized person or contact person.

5) Personal data may be received from public domain which you or your organization may post via online media, e.g., your corporate website or Linked-in.

The Company shall keep such personal data for as long as necessary for the fulfillment of such purposes or for the period as required by laws (e.g., tax law, accounting law, computer crime law, etc.) or for the prescription period or as specified by the state authority.  Basically, the data storage period shall be equal to 10 years.  Upon expiration of such data storage period, the Company shall erase or destroy or render such personal data to be unidentifiable.

Purposes of Collection, Use and Disclosure of Personal Data

The Company may collect, use and disclose personal data on the basis as endorsed by law, namely contract, legitimate interest, legal obligation and consent, for the following purposes:

  1. In case of job applicants: The Company shall process personal data for the following purposes:
    • To consider the job application and recruit personnel for employment as staff under the Company’s rules and regulations;
    • To communicate or notify the results of the job application to candidates.
    • To consider other work position as the Company sees fit for you which may be open for job application in the future (provided that each candidate may declare the intention not to have the Company store your personal data for such purpose).
    • To verify the work performance of the Company’s staff and improve the internal process.
    • To secure the safety of premises of and property in the Company’s office using CCTV.
  1. In case of customers, suppliers or contractual parties of the Company and their personnel (collectively, the “Contractual Parties”): The Company may process personal data for the following purposes:
  • For the purpose of preparing and managing contracts between the Company and the Contractual Parties, including the Company’s arrangements in compliance with the contracts;
  • For the purpose of following up the after-sale services;
  • For analyzing and improving products or services;
  • For considering approving and providing services in respect of products and/or services, delivery of products and/or services to the Contractual Parties, provision of advice and management relating to products and/or services, including any arrangements of the Company, without which, it would affect the operations or provision of services by the Company;
  • For issuance of invoices, tax invoices, approval and receipt of payments, including execution of financial transactions and accounting entries of the Company;
  • For the purpose of communication or coordination in respect of the Company’s operations with third parties, the Contractual Parties, including their personnel;
  • For the purpose of compliance with the laws applicable to the Company’s business and lawful orders of state authorities and relevant officials, e.g., various business registrations, tax filings to the Revenue Department, registration of personnel or related persons under the law;
  • For presentation of new products or services which may be beneficial to the data subject (should the data subject not wish to receive any communication relating to such activity, the data subject may give notice of such intention via the Company’s contact channels as indicated below);
  • For establishing any legal claim as well as for legal enforcement, e.g., investigation, prosecution and defense of any lawsuits in courts;
  • For securing the safety of premises and property in the Company’s office using CCTV.
  1. In case of visitors of the Company’s website and those in contact with the Company: The Company may process personal data for the following purposes:
  • For communication with each other;
  • For improvement and development of services;
  • For responding to complaints lodged by the data subject;
  • For ensuring that the contents of the Company’s website will be presented to the data subject and efficiently displayed on the data subject’s electronic device;
  • For identifying visitors and for security purposes.

The Company shall not process the data subject’s personal data other than for the purposes as previously informed, unless the Company has informed the new purposes and/or obtained the data subject’s consent.  In any case, should the data subject be unable to provide any personal data necessary for processing of personal data for proceeding with the foregoing purposes, the Company may not be able to provide any services or enter into any transactions with you or proceed with your request.

Disclosure of Personal Data to Third Parties

The Company may disclose the data subject’s personal data to the following personnel or organizations:

  1. Affiliated companies in Seika Corporation;
  2. Service providers of the Company, e.g., cloud service providers, recruitment agencies, logistic or any other service providers relating to the Company’s business operations or which may be beneficial to the data subject;
  3. Corporate customers of the Company in such capacity where you are a director, shareholder, authorized representative, agent, authorized person or contact person;
  4. Government agencies or other authorities empowered by law, e.g., the Office of the Personal Data Protection Committee, the Department of Business Development, the Social Security Office, etc.;
  5. Business Partner, Contractual Parties of the Company relating to its business operations;
  6. The Company’s consultants, e.g., auditors, external auditors, guest speakers, lawyers or legal consultants.

Transfer of Personal Data outside Thailand

For the purpose of various activities as set out in this Policy, the Company may transfer certain personal data relating to you which has been collected by the Company to Japan since the Company is affiliated with Seika Corporation, a company registered under the law of Japan, where the personal data protection law in Japan may not be consistent with the personal data protection law in Thailand.  Moreover, at present, there are no precedent decisions on the suitability and sufficiency of the personal data protection law from the Office of the Personal Data Protection Committee with regard to the data transfer to Japan in such manner that the competent authority in Thailand does not regard the Japanese law to provide suitable and sufficient protection to your personal data.

However, the Company has put in place such protective measures which are suitable and sufficient as required by law, and as such, the Company shall transfer your personal data to any recipient outside Thailand only if the personal data protection law and other applicable laws so permit.


Rights of the Data Subject

  1. The right to access personal data regarding him or her under the Company’s responsibility or request the Company to disclose how such data is obtained without consent;
  2. The right to request the Company to revise any data to be correct and complete without giving rise to misunderstanding;
  3. The right to revoke consent to the Company’s collection, use and/or disclosure of personal data regarding him or her at any time;
  4. The right to obtain personal data regarding him or her should the Company has caused such personal data to be in the format readable or generally used by way of automatic devices or equipment and can be used or disclosed by automated means, and the data subject shall also be entitled to request the Company to transfer data in such format to another controller;
  5. The right to object the processing of personal data regarding him or her at any time in the following events:
    • Where such data is collected, used and disclosed for such reasons necessary for carrying out activities in relation to public interest by the Company or such reasons necessary for the Company’s legitimate interest;
    • Where the processing of personal data is for the purpose of direct marketing;
  6. The right to request to erase, destroy or render such personal data to be unidentifiable on certain grounds;
  7. The right to request to suspend the use of personal data under certain circumstances;
  8. The right to file a complaint with the Office of the Personal Data Protection Committee (PDPC) should the Company or the processor violate or fail to comply with the personal data protection law, and the Company truly hopes that you shall give notice of your complaint to the Company for initial management prior to filing any complaint with the PDPC.

Security Measures on Personal Data

The Company realizes the significance of security and safety of personal data, and thus implements security measures on personal data as appropriate to prevent any loss, access, destruction, use, change, revision or disclosure of personal data without authorization or against the law, including:

  1. Control of access to personal data and equipment for storage and processing of personal data, taking into account the use and security thereof;
  2. Imposition of authorization or access to personal data;
  3. Management of access by users in order to restrict access to personal data to only authorized personnel and to the extent necessary;
  4. Arrangements for procedures to check historical records of access, change, erasure or transfer of personal data as appropriate to the procedures and media for collection, use or disclosure of personal data.


Cookies refers to electronic data to be sent to the data subject’s browser in order to send data back to the Company’s server every time the data subject visits the Company’s website.  The Company uses cookies for the following purposes:

Cookies Name Description Storage Duration Type Change of Settings
qtrans_front_language To record language settings on the website in order to enable the website to correctly display the language selected by users during the visit. 1 year Necessary Cookies Not available
wfvt_2554471671 To record location and time zone of users of the website in order to identify that users are truly visiting the website, without using any fake location and time zone. This cookies links with Wordfence_verifiedHuman cookies. 30 minutes Necessary Cookies Not available
Wordfence_verifiedHuman To record that users are human in order to prevent any false identity for visiting the website. 1 day Necessary Cookies Not available

Revisions of this Policy

The Company may revise this Policy from time to time to be consistent with any change in the protection of personal data and in line with the personal data protection law or other applicable laws, in which case, the Company shall give notice thereof and/or request your consent to any change in significant policies through appropriate channels.  In this connection, it is advisable that you review any change in this Policy from time to time.

Contact Channels

Should you wish to contact or have any question, complaint or wish to inquire any information regarding the processing of personal data, including your rights as the data subject, under this Policy or should you find any illegitimate use of your personal data, you may contact the Company via the following channels:

Coordinator:        DPO Team (Miss Pittaya Futrakulpan)

Address:                57 Park Ventures Ecoplex, 12th Fl., Room 1210, Wireless Rd., Lumpini, Patumwan, Bangkok 10330 Thailand

Telephone:            02-108-9818, 02-108-9819



This Policy shall come into effect as of August 15, 2022.